Urban Times:

The FCP HOA formally decided at the April HOA monthly meeting to discontinued the delivery of the Urban Times.

It was initially discussed at the annual HOA meeting in November 2022, whether the annual cost of $3000 to hand delivery to all FCP residents (both non HOA & HOA) every month was worth the investment to mention the monthly & annual meetings, along with the few neighborhood events. 

Also, the family that delivered the Urban Times for several years informed the FCP HOA in late March they are no longer providing this service. The FCP HOA Board felt it would be a challenge to find another person or group to hand delivery nearly a thousand papers every month. 

The Urban Times requires the neighborhood to deliver the monthly paper to each resident, to be featured and have article in the paper at no cost. There is a cost to the FCP HOA members for delivery. 

The neighborhood HOA information that was provided in the Urban Times was and continues to be available on the FCP website & the social media channels, as well as at the monthly FCP HOA meeting. 

Any questions, please email to: fallcreekplace@gmail.com