Safety — Fall Creek Place

The Fall Creek Place Crimewatch Committee strives to maintain a safe neighborhood for all residents. The committee is made up of individual block clubs as well as other interested neighbors, and participants need not be members of the Fall Creek Place HOA to participate. The committee tracks crime statistics, works with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and other city agencies to address problems, provides information to members and to the neighborhood about crime activities and prevention and seeks to build relationships between neighbors. Crimewatch members share information through a secure list-serv email group restricted to members.

Committee Chairperson: Open

Committee Contact:

Crimewatch Membership

Crimewatch members agree to watch out for their neighbors and take responsibility for the safety of their block. This includes:

  • Attend Block Group meetings (if your block has a group), as well as CrimeWatch Committee meetings if you desire.

  • Notify the police when you see suspicious behavior on your block. Suspicious activity includes anything that doesn't seem right. If you have to ask yourself, it's probably suspicious. Suspicious activity IN PROGRESS should be reported to 911, regardless of seriousness.

  • Call the Mayor's Action Center at 327-4622 (business hours) to report abandoned vehicles, high weeds and grass, or dilapidated properties.

  • Call Indianapolis Power & Light trouble line at 261-8111 (24 hours) to report street lights that are out.

  • Share information. For general issues, use the discussion forums. For specific incidents for which you have actionable information, such as a suspect description, use the crimewatch email list. Also be sure to notify your block group neighbors of what is going on around you!

  • Be extra eyes and ears for your neighbors. Keep an eye on their property if they aren;t home or on vacation. If you notice their garage door is left open, close it for them. If someone unfamiliar is in their yard, assume responsibility for verifying that person is ok.

Joining Crimewatch

All residents of the neighborhood can join crimewatch (regardless of whether you live in a home that is part of the HOA or not). Signup forms are available at most neighborhood events. When a block club is forming, the block captain will also distribute forms door to door in preparation for the training meetings. You may also email to sign up.

Block Clubs

The foundation of the crimewatch program is the block club. Block clubs organize themselves with a block captain, undergo official training with IMPD, and meet periodically to keep in touch. The blocks below in red currently have a block club--click on the block icon for information on how to contact the block captain. Residents living in areas without a block club can still join crimewatch, and are encouraged to try to start a block club of their own. For information on starting a block club, email

KPADC Public Safety Co-Op

Joining the Safe Indy Public Safety Patrol Program is the easiest, most affordable way to quickly increase the security of your neighborhood.

Low monthly membership fees are pooled with other members of your patrol area to purchase off-duty police patrol hours and increase police presence in your neighborhood. Sponsorship by local businesses can also help fund patrols in your neighborhood. 

Membership is available to homeowners, renters, landlords, businesses and community organizations.

All officers are full time off-duty police officers with permission to work in your neighborhood. Officers are hired through Safe Neighborhoods, LLC, a licensed security company, and are covered by liability insurance and workman's compensation insurance.

Crime watch links