1 - The building is proposed to contain 28 residential units (7 - 1 BDR, 21 - 2 BDR; including 5 - 2 BDR market rate units) and 4000 sqft. of retail space on the ground floor fronting College.
2 - Garage will provide 45 parking spaces with an additional 10 curb parking spaces on College Ave.
3 - The proposed building height exceeds the MU-2 maximum by 3' so a height variance is required (35' maximum, 38' proposed). The north setback is proposed to be 1' shorter than allowed (15' required, 14' proposed).
4 - FCP HOA Approved privacy fence and shade trees will be offered to neighbors on the 2211-2231 block of East Broadway.
5 - Green roof space included on the 3rd floor roof
6 - Indianapolis DPW has ruled against utilizing a College Ave curb cut for vehicle access to the parking garage. Access is required to be from the alley between College Ave. and Broadway St. The entrance will be positioned as far south on the structure as possible to minimize alley usage.