Espero Project Announcement:

The Fall Creek Place HOA has been informed that Vecino Group has decided not to pursue the Espero Indy project proposed for vacant land at the intersection of 25th St. and Delaware St.

The Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership (INHP) owns these parcels and remains committed to partnering with a developer that will provide affordable housing at this location. The Fall Creek Place HOA is taking a more active position going forward and will be engaging in conversation with officials at INHP so that future proposals will better match neighborhood goals for this important intersection.

- The Fall Creek Place HOA Board

2022 FCP HOA Dues:

The Fall Creek Place Homeowners’ Association due notices for 2022, has been mailed out to both mandatory & voluntary members. Dues of $175.00 can be paid by mail or online:

There is $6.00 online processing fee charged by the third party payment processor, and this fee is not collected by the FCP HOA nor the management company, C2 Services. More information is provided with the mailed due notices.

To verify if your property is current and/or past due on homeowners’ dues, please email your name and property address to:

Monthly HOA Board Meeting: Monday June 13

All neighbors are welcome to join in the discuss. The meeting is at 7pm via Zoom, please connect via the link:

Meeting Agenda:

7:00 - 7:05

Agenda & Minutes Approval 

7:05 - 7:15

2659 Sutherland (Russel Sipes) 

7:15 - 7:20 

Park Audit 

7:20 - 7:30

Land Usage Update - Espero 

7:30 - 7:40 

Land Usage Update - 2304 College 

7:40 - 7:45 

DRC & Issues 

7:45 - 7:50 

Beautification Committee Update

7:50 - 7:55

Social Committee Update

7:55 - 8:00 
